Happy Cargo Provide free sourcing to our customer
Happy Cargo Provide free sourcing to our customer we have number of companies we work closely in several Asian countries especially China. Such as clothes factories, shoes factories, tiles, tyres factories and many more.

We source the right manufacture from day one! We know unless we get the right factory for the right product.

We’ll negotiate you the best possible price, but with a clear and agreed specification to ensure you get the right product at the right price.

Verifying factory
Our complete Quality Management team ensure that we verify the factory before any payment is made.

Quality Control
We ensure that the product, assembly, instructions & packaging are all perfect BEFORE we go into mass production.

Using our contracted rates and scale with our partners we will get goods to your door, landed at the best possible price!

We provide warehousing and distribution solutions that help,reduce operating costs,and speed order cycle.